The Research and Practice for Mountainous Residential District Road System Generation
Abstract: This paper presents the research practice about parametric generation design theory and method applied in an actual mountainous residential district project planning. This research aims to integrate the topography and geography information into a database by parametric generation design tools. Based on this database and the consideration of actual functional requirements, the computer automatically generates hierarchical road net which has reasonable functions and complies with the geographical environment. The main difficulties of this research include: the algorithm and implementation of various generation logics for different level roads, the algorithm to generate optimal road through actual project parameters, the study of exploring the optimal solution algorithm under the comprehensive consideration of terrain parameters, sunlight, landscape orientation, single product module, and so on. The project forms a complete set of mountain residential district road system generation algorithm based on the parametric generation design technology, and this project completes the overall planning design ideally.
Keywords: parametric design; mountainous buildings; road system; generation algorithm; research project.
当然,通过参数模型来控制整个道路系统的规划,并不仅仅是得到了一个科学的、合理的结果,更是为了形成一种可以不断通过参数调节来实现方案再优化的控制体系。参数模型的存在,使得路网初步确定完成进入到每个组团深化设计之后,仍然可以对初始路网进行方便快捷的调节,并即时的获取各项经济技术指标,以此来使得整个设计环节更加连动、高效。 单体可行性研究
Part A:半地下庭院:将该部分空间与基地叶脉机理相吻合的合院空间嵌入山体地形之中,形成半地下庭院。空间特色可分可合,中央有公共围合庭院,与自然环境相互融合。功能上适合设置娱乐活动室,家庭式办公空间,情景休憩空间等。
Part B:一层会客空间:该部分空间与道路紧密相连,以跟随山地等高线走势的道路作为空间生成的主要参照,使建筑体量依山就势,更自然的与山地和道路相互融合。空间特色是车库与道路紧密结合,功能明确,地下庭院与一层之间的错台为此层空间提供了理想的绿化露台,适合做中央起居空间。
Part C:二层卧室空间:该部分设计原则强调良好的采光日照和景观对景等住宅设计要素。是住宅内主要的卧室空间,体型上与一层空间形成几何形衔接,更容易形成各种不同类型的户型产品。空间特色上有理想的采光和景观,体量独立,对自然压迫感小,居住者归属感更强。