项目建筑面积 70000㎡;占地面积 42393㎡
内容来自 www.ideamsg.com作者: ptsly 时间: 2011-3-4 13:24
外装差点意思,分缝没对位~作者: H.W.YAO 时间: 2011-3-4 15:31
恩 外装接缝确实质量很差,黑石头的颜色没压住,不知下雨了会不会好点,白石头里远处看有白色天光,还是挺白的。。。。。。室内确实空间的棱线很凌厉,大厅也够霸气~~作者: weiweiumi 时间: 2011-3-4 15:41
施工的时候去过几次,外围的施工确实不是很到位。没有进去看过,现在看来内部的完成度还是不错的啊。作者: weiweiumi 时间: 2011-3-4 15:43
并且感谢给的链接,有发现一个很不错的网站。作者: Cosmic.Nova 时间: 2011-3-4 16:35
好东西要顶起!作者: wyx10022 时间: 2011-3-4 17:00 本帖最后由 wyx10022 于 2011-3-4 17:01 编辑
这加工费用剧高吧?作者: Line 时间: 2011-3-4 18:06
下次去广州,一定要看看咯。作者: WENDYJOLIE 时间: 2011-3-4 18:15
感谢分享作者: fleurlaurant 时间: 2011-3-4 20:17
Like pebbles in a stream smoothed by erosion, the Guangzhou Opera House sits in perfect harmony with its riverside location. The Opera House is at the heart of Guangzhou’s cultural development. Its unique twin-boulder design enhances the city by opening it to the Pearl River, unifying the adjacent cultural buildings with the towers of international finance in Guangzhou’s Zhujiang new town.
The 1,800-seat auditorium of the Opera House houses the very latest acoustic technology, and the smaller 400-seat multifunction hall is designed for performance art, opera and concerts in the round.
The design evolved from the concepts of a natural landscape and the fascinating interplay between architecture and nature; engaging with the principles of erosion, geology and topography. The Guangzhou Opera House design has been particularly influenced by river valleys – and the way in which they are transformed by erosion.
Fold lines in this landscape define territories and zones within the Opera House, cutting dramatic interior and exterior canyons for circulation, lobbies and cafes, and allowing natural light to penetrate deep into the building. Smooth transitions between disparate elements and different levels continue this landscape analogy. Custom moulded glass-fibre reinforced gypsum (GFRC) units have been used for the interior of the auditorium to continue the architectural language of fluidity and seamlessness.
The Guangzhou Opera House has been the catalyst for the development of cultural facilities in the city including new museums, library and archive. The Opera House design is the latest realization of Zaha Hadid Architects’ unique exploration of contextual urban relationships, combining the cultural traditions that have shaped Guangzhou’s history, with the ambition and optimism that will create its future.作者: giggs163 时间: 2011-3-4 21:01
好像不是,是有点像石膏材质的东西8#Line作者: whku 时间: 2011-3-4 21:19 本帖最后由 whku 于 2011-3-4 21:27 编辑
内部歌剧厅由恒豪国际贸易(上海) E-Grow完成作者: musofan 时间: 2011-3-4 21:36
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: Line 时间: 2011-3-4 23:26 标题: 室内材料 本帖最后由 Line 于 2011-3-4 23:28 编辑 10#fleurlaurant