标题: 新手求助,官网上的这个运行不了? [打印本页] 作者: zhuoranliu 时间: 2009-12-3 15:43 标题: 新手求助,官网上的这个运行不了? Public Overrides Function RunCommand(ByVal context As RMA.Rhino.IRhinoCommandContext) _
As RMA.Rhino.IRhinoCommand.result
' Select two curves to intersect
Dim go As New MRhinoGetObject()
go.SetCommandPrompt("Select two curves")
go.GetObjects(2, 2)
If (go.CommandResult() <> IRhinoCommand.result.success) Then
Return go.CommandResult()
End If
' Validate input
Dim curveA As IOnCurve = go.Object(0).Curve()
Dim curveB As IOnCurve = go.Object(1).Curve()
If (curveA Is Nothing Or curveB Is Nothing) Then
Return IRhinoCommand.result.failure
End If
' Calculate the intersection
Dim intersection_tolerance As Double = 0.001
Dim overlap_tolerance As Double = 0.0
Dim xEvents As New ArrayOnX_EVENT()
Dim count As Integer = curveA.IntersectCurve(curveB, xEvents, intersection_tolerance, _
' ON_EPSILON will be added to future builds of the SDK
' For now just use a hard coded value
Dim epsilon As Double = 0.00000000000000022204460492503131
' Process the results
If (count > 0) Then
Dim line As New OnLine()
For i As Integer = 0 To xEvents.Count() - 1
Dim e As IOnX_EVENT = xEvents(i)
Dim ptA As New On3dPoint(e.m_pointA(0))
Dim ptB As New On3dPoint(e.m_pointB(0))
Dim distance As Double = ptA.DistanceTo(ptB)
If (distance > epsilon) Then
line.from = ptA
line.to = ptB
End If
End If