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[GH插件] grasshopper的插件FireFly 萤火虫

发表于 2010-4-8 12:11:10 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lettle 于 2010-4-8 12:12 编辑

grasshopper的插件FireFly  萤火虫 不知道有人发过没有,如果有 版主删了吧。。。。
      安装到x:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components里面
对计算机语言无感   貌似是连接Arduino与grasshopper的  具体翻译如下How to use the Serial Read component:
The Serial Read component allows you to retrieve a value coming over the Serial Port. There are three input nodes for this component.
The P-input (Port Number) has to be the same Serial Port assigned in the Arduino IDE.  The default port is set to 3 (ie. COM 3) although
this port value may vary depending on computer configurations.  The B-input (Baud Rate) value should match the speed set in the Arduino
sketch.  Standard values include: 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600. The N-input requires an integer in order to (0) Open Port,
(1) Get Value, or (2) Close Port.  You can connect a Timer component to the Serial Read component to retreive values at a given interval.
Note: you should only turn the Timer component "On" after you have opened the port(0) and then retrieved the first value (1).  The output
for this component will return a string.  If you have sent a numeric value to the Serial Port, you will need to cast the string output of
the Serial Read component into a numeric value.  To do this, simply feed the output of the Serial Read component into a Number or Integer
parameter (Params/Primitive).
How to use the Serial Write component:
The Serial Write component allows you to write a string value to the Serial Port.  There are four input nodes for this component.  The
N,P, and B inputs are the same as the Serial Read (see above for more information).  The D-input is the data you wish to write to the
Serial Port.  Note: This component does not need to use a Timer component to update at a given interval if you are sending slider information
to the Serial Port.


该P -输入(端口号)必须在同一串口IDE中的阿都伊诺分配。默认的端口设置为3(即COM 3个),尽管
此端口值可能取决于计算机的配置。这架B -输入(波特率)值应匹配的Arduino设定速度
素描。标准值包括:4800,9600,14400,19200,28800,38400,57600。的N -输入需要一个整数,以(0)开放港口,
参数(Params /原始)。

氮,磷和B输入为串行读相同(见上面获取更多信息)。该D -输入的数据,你想写信给


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-8 23:01:13 | 显示全部楼层
如楼上所说   纯属娱乐   看的云里雾里的。。

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